Study declaration

Download a study declaration form

As a resident at the Nybrogård Dormitory, you must hand in a study declaration at least once a year. You’ll recieve the study declaration form from KAB by mail or in your pox box three months before your lease expires. The study declaration form must be filled out and turned in to the secretariat at least 14 days after you recieved it.

In the following, the correct way to fill out your study declaration form is explained. The study declaration form is always in Danish. On the form, the parts that you must fill out are written in Dansh, and in brackets underneath, the words are translated to English.

Navn, adresse og lejligheds/vær. nr.
(Name, address and appartment/room number)

The study declaration form that you recieve from KAB has already your name, address and appartment/room number written. The study declaration form that you can get from the Secretariat, you must fill out with full name, address and appartment/room number yourself.

Uddannelse og uddannelsesinstitution
(Education and education institution)

Here, you have to state what you study (the name of your education program) and where you are studying it (education institution). Education institution means the school or the university where you are studying. If you are currently doing an internship as part of your education program, you should still state your education institution and NOT the place where your internship takes place.

Påbegyndt md/år og forventet afsluttet md/år
(Started month/year and expected completed month/year)

In this part, you must write when you started your education program and when you expect to complete you education program. Bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees are seen as two different educations which means that you must write those to parts of your education seperately. For example, if you are currently doing your bachelor’s degree, you must write the date that you expect to complete your bachelor’s degree, even if you intend to continue your studies by getting a master’s degree later on.

Please note that you are not supposed to write the month in which you complete the education, but the month after that. For example if you finish June 16th 2022, you can write July/2022,  and you will then get your contract extended to July 1st 2022. The reason for this procedure is that you are considered a student for a whole month at a time.


In the study declaration it says:

Jeg har indenfor de sidste 12 måneder fulgt de foreskrevne uddannelsesforløb [ ] (sæt kryds) og gået til de foreskrevne eksaminer/prøver [ ] (sæt kryds)

In English, this means:

I have within the past 12 months followed the prescribed education procedures [ ] (cross out) and gone to the prescribed exams/tests [ ] (cross out)

It is important that you answer this part of the study declaration. If you have studied your education for less than 12 months please cross out if you have fulfilled these conditions in the time you have studied you education.

If you have not followed the prescribed education procedure and gone to exams/tests, you must fill out an “attestationsblanket”, which you can collect at KAB’s website.

Dato og underskrift
(Date and signature)

Here, you write the date and your own signature. You sign hereby that the information you have written in the study declaration are valid.

Stamp and signature from your education institute

On the bottom part of the study declaration, your education institute must stamp and sign the study declaration. Please contact your education insitution’s student administration and ask them to stamp and sign the study declaration form.

Some education institutions allow you to download a confirmation paper from their website (e.g. DTU Inside or KU Self Service). If you hand in this confirmation paper, you will not need a stamp and signature from your institution. If you hand ind a student confirmation paper, you must still fill out and hand in the study declaration as well. The reason being that the study declaration is the only document stating (via the two crosses) that you have in fact been following the prescribed education procedures and gone to the prescribed exams/tests.

If you are currently studying HF single courses, you must attach a copy of your SU-papers or a form from your study adviser stating with a signature that you have at least 23 hours of study activity weekly (17 hours if you have a child living at home below the age of seven). If you are taking on supplementary courses on a high-school educational level, you must attach a copy of your SU-papers or a form from your study adviser stating with a signature that you have at least 16 hours of study activity weekly.

Handing in and getting the study declaration approved

When you have filled out your study declaration, it must be turned in to the secretariat during their opening hours or in their mailbox in the H-basement. When the secretariat has approved the study declaration, you will get an exension of your lease contract of up to one year:

If your study declaration states that you will be enrolled in your studies for at least another year, you will get a one year extension of your lease contract.

If your study declaration states that you will be enrolled in your studies for less than a year to come, your lease contract will be extended to the month that you complete your study program.

The written confirmation of the extention of your lease contract will be mailed to you within two to three weeks.

If the secretariat does not approve your study declaration, they will either send you an email or write you a letter that weill be delivered in your mailbox. The letter will explain why the study declaration cannot be approved and what you you’ll have to do to make it approvable. You then have to correct the study declaration and get it in order within a week from the date that you recieved a letter from the secretariat.

If you are late with handing in your study declaration, we strongly recommend you to turn it in during the opening hours of the secretariat. In this way, it can be processed right away, so that it can be approved or possible lacks can be put in order as fast as possible.