(Danish) Cykelparkering ryddes ved opgang L og bagsiden ved opgang S
Wednesday 26 April 2023, 07:26
Sorry, this content is only available in the following languages: Danish
Cykelparkering ryddes ved opgang L og bagsiden ved opgang S
Wednesday 26 April 2023, 07:24
I forbindelse med det forestående kloakledningsarbejde, ud for den blok du beboer, er det nødvendigt at grave op hvor cyklerne er parkeret. Du bedes venligst flytte din cykel væk fra opgangsområdet. Cykler ved opgang L henvises til cykelparkering ved opgang M og cykler på bagsiden af opgang S henvises til cykelparkering ved opgang N
(Danish) Sekretariatets åbningstider i april / April opening hours in the Secretariat
Friday 31 March 2023, 07:58
Sorry, this content is only available in the following languages: Danish
Sekretariatets åbningstider i april / April opening hours in the Secretariat
Friday 31 March 2023, 07:56
Sekretariatet holder lukket torsdag d. 6. april (Skærtorsdag).
Ellers holder vi åbent som vanligt mandage 19-20 og torsdage 20-21.
The Secretariat will be closed for personal consultations on Thursday April 6.
During the rest of the month we will be open Mondays 19-20 and Thursdays 20-21.
Nybrogaard Dormitory needs three extra key wardens.
Sunday 31 July 2022, 06:01
Are you interested in helping your fellow dormitory mates if they have locked themself out and need assistance to get inside again, here is your chance!
We will be hiring three more key wardens for the dorm. As a key warden you need to be available for others if they have locked themselves out. To get the job you will have to be good at English and Danish as well as provide a clean criminal record. You get paid directly by the people you lock in. The price varies depending on the hour and is set by the Resident Council.
If you are interested in earning a bit extra to supplement your studies while helping others out, please write an email to: no later than the 12th of August 2022.
If you are then selected as a possible candidate, you will be invited for a short interview where you are asked to provide the clean criminal record.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Emma Anna Hansen
Beboerrådsformand Nybrogård Kollegiet / Chairman of the Resident Council Nybrogaard Dormitory
Gulv rengøring i køkkener / Floor cleaning in the kitchens.
Tuesday 05 April 2022, 19:20
Gulvene rengøres typisk fredag morgen og formiddag. Så venligst stil stole op, og ryd gulvet for materielt.
The floors are cleaned typically friday morning and noon. Please put the chairs up, and remove debris on the floor.
Result of Bicycle Clean-Up AND about access to the clubs.
Sunday 07 November 2021, 15:29
Så kom dagen endelig! Dagen der betyder at det er slut med cykel opslag!
Tak til alle der hjalp, og især til John der gjorde det nemt at transportere cyklerne. Fangsten i dag lød på 108 stk, der vil blive samlet op at politiet i løbet af denne, eller næste måned.
Hvis du havde glemt at sætte strips på din cykel, kan du finde bunken bag cykelskuret ved EF. Cykler i “ekstraordinær” god stand, er blev sat ind i skuret ved EF, da vi ikke var overbevist om at de var forladte. Det ønskes også at bemærke, at hvis du tager cykler fra bunken der ikke er din, at det er tyveri.
I må gerne nu, tager stripsene af jeres cykler.
Ydereligere er der klubmedlemmer der har mistet adgang til klublokalerne. Dette er ikke tiltænkt, og er formentligt pga. de nuværende problemer med Miele. Den bedste løsning, er at få genaktiveret jeres adgang hos Lars Kaj i hans åbningstider. Vi beklager ulejligheden.
Today the day finally came! The day that means it’s over with all the bike postings!
Thank you to everyone who helped. The catch today was 108 bicycles, which will be collected by the police during this, or next month.
If you had forgotten to put strips on your bike, you can find the pile behind the Bicycle Shed at EF. Bicycles in “extraordinary” good condition have been put into the shed by the EF, as we were not convinced that they were abandoned. We would also like to note that if you take bikes from the pile that is not yours, that it is considered theft. You may now remove the markings on your bike.
In addition, there are club members who have lost access to the club premises. This is not intended, and is probably due to the current issues with Miele. The best solution is to reactivate your access with Lars Kaj during his opening hours. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and in contact with Miele to fix the issues
Monday 01 November 2021, 14:14
(Please look below for an English version)
Kære alle,
Der afholdes cykeloprydning på Nybrogård Kollegiet søndag d. 7. November 2021. Det er altså tæt på! Hvis i ikke allerede har markeret jeres cykler, så er det nu! Vi mødes kl. 11 foran Lars Kajs kontor, og i er alle inviteret! De dejlige mennesker der hjælper os, for jo selvfølgelig pizza og sodavand ligesom tidligere år. Husk på, INGEN STRIP = INGEN CYKEL!. Så tjek lige om jeres stadig sidder på!
I har alle have modtaget HVIDE plasticstrip i jeres postkasse i Denne skal monteres synligt på saddelpinden/styret på jeres cykel, såfremt I ikke ønsker den fjernet under cykeloprydning. Alt andet materiel i eller omkring cykelskurene/-stativerne skal også mærkes på en lignende, synlig måde. (Eksempelvis barnevogne / ethjuletcykler) Yderligere strips kan, efter at der er uddelt i postkasserne, fås hos varmemesteren i dennes åbningstid fra September af. De umærkede cykler og andre effekter fjernes under cykeloprydningen, og vil herefter blive overleveret til politiet som hittegods.
Alle beboere indbydes til at give en hånd med på dagen, således at vi i fællesskab kan få ryddet ud i gamle cykler og affald på kollegiet. Beboerrådet vil byde på pizza og sodavand til de deltagende efter arbejdet. Hvis du er interesseret i at hjælpe, skriv her i kommentar feltet.
Med venlig hilsen
Nybrogård Kollegiets Beboerråd
Dear all,
Its this sunday bicycle clean-up Nybrogård Kollegiet sundag d. 7. November 2021. It’s this sunday! If you havent already marked your bikes, now is the time! We will me at kl. 11 in front of Lars Kajs office , and you are all invited! There is pizza and drinks for people who come and help. Remember NO STRIP = NO BIKE!. If you have put it on earlier, please check that it’s still on.
A clean-up among the bicycles and trash will take place at Nybrogård Kollegiet on November 7th, 2021. Please note, this means it has been moved a week behind.
You have received WHITE cable ties. Mount the cable-tie in a visible position on the stem post or handlebar of your bicycle, if you wish to keep the bike after the clean-up. Everything else placed in or around the bicycle sheds must be marked in a similar visible fashion using the coloured cable-ties. Additional cable-ties can, after they have been distributed to the mailboxes, be picked up at the janitors (Lars Kajs) office during opening hours from September. All unmarked bicycles and other items will be removed during the clean-up and handed over to the police as lost property.
All residents are invited to participate in the clean-up, so we can help each other clean out the abandoned bicycles on the dorm. The Residents Council will offer pizza and sodas to the participants after the event.
Best regards
The resident’s council
Saturday 02 October 2021, 13:56
(Please look below for an English version)
Kære alle,
Cykel oprydningen er blevet rykket længere tilbage.Dette betyder at der vil blive afholdt cykeloprydning på Nybrogård Kollegiet søndag d. 7. November 2021.
I bør nu, alle have modtaget HVIDE plasticstrip i jeres postkasse i Denne skal monteres synligt på saddelpinden/styret på jeres cykel, såfremt I ikke ønsker den fjernet under cykeloprydning. Alt andet materiel i eller omkring cykelskurene/-stativerne skal også mærkes på en lignende, synlig måde. (Eksempelvis barnevogne / ethjuletcykler) Yderligere strips kan, efter at der er uddelt i postkasserne, fås hos varmemesteren i dennes åbningstid fra September af. De umærkede cykler og andre effekter fjernes under cykeloprydningen, og vil herefter blive overleveret til politiet som hittegods.
Alle beboere indbydes til at give en hånd med på dagen, således at vi i fællesskab kan få ryddet ud i gamle cykler og affald på kollegiet. Beboerrådet vil byde på pizza og sodavand til de deltagende efter arbejdet. Hvis du er interesseret i at hjælpe, skriv her i kommentar feltet.
Mere information og påmindelser følger når vi nærmer os begivenheden.
Med venlig hilsen
Nybrogård Kollegiets Beboerråd
Dear all,
A clean-up among the bicycles and trash will take place at Nybrogård Kollegiet on November 7th, 2021. Please note, this means it has been moved a week behind.
You should now have received WHITE cable ties. Mount the cable-tie in a visible position on the stem post or handlebar of your bicycle, if you wish to keep the bike after the clean-up. Everything else placed in or around the bicycle sheds must be marked in a similar visible fashion using the coloured cable-ties. Additional cable-ties can, after they have been distributed to the mailboxes, be picked up at the janitors (Lars Kajs) office during opening hours from September. All unmarked bicycles and other items will be removed during the clean-up and handed over to the police as lost property.
All residents are invited to participate in the clean-up, so we can help each other clean out the abandoned bicycles on the dorm. The Residents Council will offer pizza and sodas to the participants after the event.
More information and reminders will follow as we get closer to the event.
Best regards
The resident’s council