Thursday 16 May 2013, 17:35
This Sunday is going to be awesome for the football teams!
Both our teams are going to play at home (Vadgård Skole, Kong Hans Allé), where the men’s team start at 16.00 with a rivalry game against POP, and right after this game (17.45), then are the girls going to play against Robert Jacobsen Kollegiet.
There will be possibility to grill, so there can be a minor barbeque party, and when we are finished eating and watching football, then Kældercaféen has open, so the party can continue at home.
Claes Scherwin, O-52
Sunday 12 April 2009, 14:08
The local soccer team at Nybrogård is practicing on wednesdays 6 pm. Check out our website for more info
Saturday 14 March 2009, 14:15
The local soccer team at Nybrogaard is starting up practice again. First pratice will be at wednesday the 18th of march at 5.30 pm on the football ground opposite Netto and the school (”Engelsborgskolen”). Afterwards there will be a short information meeting at the kitchen cd-odd.
The practice is for everyone at Nybrogaard so come join us and let us play some ball.
The coach team, Emil D-5 and Mark C-21