Carparking at the Nybrogård dormitory is possible at the five parking areas:
It is recommended that all long term parking is done at the least used areas, going from the top of the list and down.
All ramps most not be used for parking, due to fire escape routes. The trails between the parking areas and trails inside the gates are also fire escape routes. It is not allowed to drive on the inside of the gates and behind the Varmecentralen. Only exception is if a delivery or service ordered by the dormitory have been planed. Moving cars and unloading / reloading of removal vans are not permitted in these areas.
Here, you will find all the necessary information regarding parking fines and procedures.
Please read through all the steps from top to bottom before reaching out with any potential questions.
We encourage all residents to take responsibility for their own vehicles and abide by the dorm’s parking regulations.
Fees: The parking fine is 875 DKK and will be imposed for violations of the following parking requirements. Parking enforcement will be carried out by the Complaints Committee, which manages most of the parking procedure under Parkeringskompagniet.
Parking Requirements:
How do I get a parking permit? If you need a parking permit, please contact the Complaints Committee at with the following information. You will be registered in the “OPARKO” app, where you can register your vehicle. You will receive an e-mail with login information for the app. Write the following:
How do I use OPARKO? (once you have received login details from the complaints board):
Watch the following video on how to create a permit for your vehicle in OPARKO on your own:
Cancellation: If you believe you have received a parking fine unjustly, you can request a cancellation by contacting the Complaints Committee on e-mail:
Questions: If you have read through everything and still have questions, you can contact us in the Complaints Committee at
ATTENTION! It is not permitted for residents to park within the red area by the Kindergarten at PR (area shown on the picture below). This area is outside of the dormitory’s jurisdiction and we can therefore not cancel parking fines given for parking in this area.
Additional: Note that there are signs placed near the parking areas allowed for vehicles registered in OPARKO:
When a foreign car is introduced in Denmark, the following rules apply: (This is an external link, that might change without our knowledge) It say that all cars from foreign countries must be registered within 14 days from introduction to the country or to apply for exemption from TAX.
According to the Road Traffic Act (færdselsloven) §123, the police can remove these vehicles, if noticed. The owner will be given a warning. Also on our parking areas with public access.
Bicycles may be parked in the bike sheds and in / near the bike racks. Mopeds and scooters must also be parked in the bicycle racks and bike sheds.
Failure to comply may result in removing without notice.