Resident’s Council


The Resident Council consists of one representative from each corridor and a couple of representatives from the apartments. The council makes decisions concerning the running of the dormitory and not least the dormitory facilities. The Residents Council meets once a month except in January, July and August, and in addition to that they hold two meetings when approving of budget and accounts respectively – the last two are residents meetings where all residents living at Nybrogård may attend and debate. The council meetings take place in Danish unless English is wanted from some of the persons present.

Moreover the resident council is responsible for handling the dormitory association NYK as well as all the clubs at the dormitory. The current chairperson is Torbjørn Frankel. He can be contacted at

The reprensentatives for the apartments and halls can be seen in the table, and it was last updated september 2024.

Add item to agenda / Cannot attend

If you wish to add items to the agenda to the council meetings you must send an email secretary of the council at  The email must contain your full name, room number and your suggestion.

As an representative of the council,  attendance is mandatory. If you can not attend due to illness or alike, send an email to the secretary of the council. Please do so at least one day before the meeting, or send the alternate member of you t hall. If you as a council member do not show up two times within 6 months, without sending an email to the secretary, you will be dismissed as a reprensentative and as a result have to be rechossen by the hall.


The residents council and it’s union ” ”Kollegianerforeningen NYK”, have multiple employee’s and volunteers that handles daily, administrative and practical  jobs. Some of the employee’s are

Councils Chairman: Torbjørn Frankel,

Councils Cecretary: Christina,

Councils Treasurer: Magnus,

Communications Manager: Laura,

Network-group: Multiple employees ,

Furthermore, there are mutiple volunteers. Such as the council’s representatives, Kælder Caféens management and the chairmen of the clubs.

Running a dormitory demands a large amount of work, and the day to day operations would not be possible without cooperation. There are however multiple branches and they can best be described through this diagram that can be found here. There are moreover a dokument that describes the orginasation, however it is outdated. It can be found here.

If you wish to read more  about the articles of association and the regulations, click  here.