Nybrogård Haveforening has existed since 1978 and has three land areas at the dormitory: the CD gardens, the LM gardens and the NO gardens. There is about 46 gardens of various sizes and in addition, the garden association has all the dandelion, currant, blackberry and raspberry bushes in the dormitory, as well as a number of apple, cherry and plum trees. These berries and shrubs in the common areas are for free use.
As a member of the garden association, you will be assigned a garden that you can have alone or share with others. As a garden owner, you can cultivate what you want. Whatever you grow, will be at your own expense.
For each garden area, there is a selection of garden tools, a garden hose and wheelbarrow. We in the garden association have a small amount available so that we can buy small things for the gardens, for example pruning shears or other smaller garden tools. In addition, for larger amounts, money can be applied for in the dormitory association.
Joint garden days are arranged during the year, where members have the opportunity to have fun together while working in their own gardens. Whenevere there is a need to maintain the gardens’ common areas and / or tools, special days are arranged for this.
The garden association provides a unique opportunity to have some down-to-earth green experiences as a dormitory resident – it does not cost anything, but in return gives a lot – why not become a member?
Linea Ebbesen, Garden Chairman